Owner, Kayci smiles wearing a linen colored jumper.

Little Bluestem Blog 001

Let me introduce Little Bluestem.
My name is Kayci. I am the owner, buyer, marketer, and so much more for my boutique, Little Bluestem. Like every other small business owner I wear all of the hats; I play all of the roles required to run my business. That is, on top of holding a full time corporate job, being a wife and mother of three, and an active community volunteer.
I created Little Bluestem out of a want to create something for myself and my family. I wanted a way to create wealth and opportunity outside of the corporate world. I also wanted to fill a gap, a need in my community.
It is pretty easy to find boutiques that cater to girls. My own daughter will light up when she sees the frills and bows. Allowing her to shop through these things that she finds so beautiful is an experience in itself, even when we don't purchase anything. I wanted my boys to be able to have that same experience. I wanted them to have the option to choose some style and find things they feel good in. We know boys that love their sweats and t-shirts, but that same boy on a different day may also love his belt and cowboy boots. We sell our little gentlemen short thinking they don't want to feel awesome when they get dressed each day. 
Yes, we as mothers, dads, grandparents, etc want our boys to go places looking nice and usually have to try to snap a picture quickly before they get messy. But, can you imagine with me for a minute? Imagine having a button-up in their closet that they got to choose for themselves. And rather than the typical struggle convincing them to get dressed, they are excited! Just the week before, they got to walk into a store just for them, draped in blues and greens with mannequins just their same size. Maybe there is a toy section with trucks and planes and outdoor things. A section with lots of hats and belts and sunglasses. This shop wasn't specialized in western or name brand sports attire. Instead, it had a tasteful mix of all of their favorites. This time, instead of your little guy being bored and maybe even disruptive while you shop for your daughter in a pink bedecked expanse, it is his turn to have the spotlight. His turn to have more than a section. He got to explore several styles and options for lots of occasions. You have to help narrow his choices down a bit, but he got the final say. And now, today after what felt like ages to him, he gets to get dressed in HIS shirt. And while putting it on, he remembers that day getting to shop in a store just for him, and he can't wait to go again!
This is what I dream for Little Bluestem. I have a ways to go, but move closer every day. I hope you'll share my dream and support me on this journey. Consistency is not a strong skill of mine, but I will continue to share little tidbits of the story as we go along.
Thank you for being here!
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